May 2014 Archives

The thought of a single supermassive black hole lurking at galaxy's center is enough to send shivers down one's spine (given a bit of contemplation and the right kind of personality). But two? That's a new ballgame altogether.

Actually, astronomers suspect that these binary supermassive black hole systems are probably the result of galactic collisions. Awesome! 

To date, only a few candidates for close binary supermassive black holes have been found. All are in active galaxies where th
An artist's conception of a supermassive black...

An artist's conception of a supermassive black hole and accretion disk. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

ey are constantly ripping gas clouds apart, in the prelude to crushing them out of existence. In the process of destruction, the gas is heated so much that it shines at many wavelengths, including X-rays. This gives the galaxy an unusually bright centre, and leads to it being called active.

On 10 June 2010, Dr Fukun Liu from Peking University in China with colleagues spotted a tidal disruption event in the galaxy SDSS J120136.02+300305.5 (J120136 for short). They were scanning the data for such events and scheduled follow-up observations just days later with XMM-Newton and NASA's Swift satellite.

Full article here

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Pyura_chilensis_living_rock.jpegKnown among the scientific community as Pyura chilensis, this critter filters nutrients from the water, much like a barnacle or sponge. Stranger still:

it[ has] clear blood[, which] mysteriously secretes a rare element called vanadium. Also, it's born male, becomes hermaphroditic at puberty, and reproduces by tossing clouds of sperm and eggs into the surrounding water and hoping they knock together.

According to Scientific AmericanP. chilensis "belongs to the Ascidiacea class of non-moving, sac-like marine invertebrate filter feeders that are otherwise known as sea squirts."

Credit for this critter goes to grist.

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A bit of a sensationalist headline, I'm afraid -- I had hoped for giant Venus Fly Traps going around munching on cars and discarded rebar. This is still pretty interesting, though: 

A new plant species with an unusual lifestyle - it eats nickel for a living - has been discovered, according to a recent study.

Scientists from the University of the Philippines, Los BaƱos have discovered Rinorea niccolifera, a plant species that accumulates up to 18,000 ppm of the metal in its leaves without poisoning itself, according to Edwino Fernando, lead author of the report and professor, said in a statement.

Nickel hyperaccumulation is such a rare phenomenon with only about 0.5 to 1 percent of plant species native to nickel-rich soils having been recorded to exhibit the ability. 

In addition to just being plain interesting, this could be helpful for humans, too: plants that accumulate heavy metals can be used to clean up contaminated sites. 

Check out the original article here.

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Chicago is probably the last place you'd expect to find a population of wild parrots. But they're there. 

While the birds are native to South America, they've survived in Chicago since at least the 1960s. Locals have a number of theories (bordering on urban legends) about their origins: 

  • A University of Chicago experiment went awry and the birds escaped
  • The birds escaped from a holding pen at O'Hare
  • A truck on its way to a pet store overturned and let the parrots loose
  • The government put them here
  • etc.
According to University of Chicago ornithologist Dr. Stephen Pruett-Jones, however, the answer is straightforward: "They got here through the pet trade and the pet trade really peaked in the mid to late 1960s." How do the birds survive Chicago's harsh winters? Backyard bird feeders! (They also tend to build nests atop electrical transformers for warmth.) 

You can read much more here, or check out WBIZ's podcast on the subject below:

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In recent years, Star Wars fans have elevated May 4th to the level of lay-holiday, celebrating the Star Wars franchise with parades, conventions, film showings, and cosplays. It seems that the Galactic Empire, though, has a thing or two to say about that: 
"Star Wars Day may seem like a "good time," but don't be fooled by their rebel misinformation. Just say no!"

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MERS virus appears in Indiana

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MERS, also known as the Middle East Respiratory syndrome, had previously been confined to a handful of nations in that region. To date, the virus has sickened more than 8,000 and killed nearly 800. Now, it appears to be on the move. 

On Friday, the CDC confirmed the first case of the MERS virus in the United States:

MERS-CoV (Photo credit: NIAID)

On May 2, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the first confirmed U.S. case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).  Public health officials are assuring citizens that there is very low risk to the general public.  Still, the Daily Herald reports that CDC officials are contacting individuals that may be at risk and will respond if others are showing symptoms.

On April 24, the patient traveled by plane from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to Chicago, IL, via London, England.  The patient then took a bus from Chicago to Indiana.  On the April 27, the patient began to experience respiratory symptoms and went to an emergency department in an Indiana hospital the next day and was admitted that same day. 

More information available here. The media, of course, tends to blow these stories out of proportion. Even so, I like to keep my eye on potential pandemics. Call it a survival instinct. (Especially since this patient passed through Chicago, where I live...)

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